Kangana Ranaut said that India's independence in 1947 was nothing but alms and India got its real independence in 2014. People got offended, called her names and even suggested that the Padma Shri conferred upon her be taken back. But the Congress's student wing, the National Students' Union of India (NSUI) went a few steps forward. They performed a sadbuddhi yagna, praying for Kangana's betterment and wished that good sense (sadbuddhi) may prevail because they think that "a healthy mind cannot harm the dignity and sacrifice of the freedom fighters and country".
The students' organisation performed the yagna with proper rituals and wished for her "better mental health". Neeraj Kundan, President, NSUI, said that the actor is not fit for the honour that Padma Shri bestows upon her and that the award should be taken away. Neeraj said that Kangana has defamed the sacrifice of great freedom fighters and that it is not acceptable to any "true Indian". But why a yagna? "It's a form of protest to demand that the Padma Shri given to Kangana should be taken back," said an NSUI activist.
But not just NSUI, Kangana herself took to Instagram to say that she will give back the Padma Shri. Only one condition — someone has to prove to her that she was factually wrong to call Indian's independence a "bheekh". "As far as azadi in 2014 is concerned, I specifically said physical azadi we might have had but consciousness and conscience of India were set free in 2014 — a dead civilisation came alive and fluttered its wings and is now roaring and soaring high. Today, for the first time, people can't shame us for not speaking English or coming from small towns or using made in India products — everything is articulate and clear in the same interview," she said in her Instagram post. A video clip of Kangana stating that the independence India achieved in 1947 was a "bheekh" or given as alms. The real independence, she said came in 2014 after the Modi-led government came to power.