#WhatTheFAQ: JoSAA 2022 begins! How can you increase your chances of getting selected into IITs, NITs?

JoSAA has started the registration process for JEE Main and JEE Advanced counselling. We bring you the particular dates and some clear-cut tips to ace it
FAQ September 12 | (Pic: Edexlive)
FAQ September 12 | (Pic: Edexlive)
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Qualified JEE Main and JEE Advanced? Congratulations! But are you confused about the next steps? What courses to choose and what colleges to opt for? Well, to make the process easier, JoSAA (Joint Seat Allocation Authority) was introduced. And the candidate registration for the seat allocation process begins today! Are you ready? Yes, we know the process can be a bit overwhelming, so we break it down for you. Read on to make better-informed choices.

What is the JoSAA timetable?

September 12: The registration/choice filling for seat allocation for JEE Main/JEE Advanced candidates who qualified for Paper I starts from 10 am onwards.

September 21: The registration/choice filling process ends at 5 pm. Candidates must note that the choices filled will be locked automatically after the deadline is past.

September 22: It is the date for reconciliation of data, verification and validation of allocated seats

September 23: First round of seat allocation will begin at 10 am

What about the Paper II candidates?

The JEE Main/JEE Advanced candidates who appeared for Paper II (BArch/BPlanning) can apply for seat allocation via JoSAA. However, the JEE Advanced qualified candidates are advised to register for the Architecture Aptitude Test (AAT). This test is meant for candidates who want to opt for the BArch programme offered by IIT Kharagpur, IIT Varanasi and IIT Roorkee. But candidates also must note that admission to these courses will not be as per the AAT score or rank and will be based on JEE Advanced rank only.

The registration for the AAT exam started yesterday after the declaration of the JEE Advanced results and ends today at 5 pm. The exam will be held on September 14, and the results are scheduled to be declared on September 17. The qualified candidates can then opt for JoSAA registration/choice filling.

Will there be mock allocation rounds?

Yes! In order to help the candidates choose colleges as per their JEE scores in a better manner, JoSAA will conduct two rounds of mock allotment for both Paper I and Paper II candidates. Here is the timetable:

September 18: The first round of mock allotment will begin at 11:30 am. This allotment will be based on the choices filled by the candidates as on September 17.

September 20: This is the second round of allocation and will start from 10 am onwards. This round will be based on choices filled by candidates as on September 19.

How many rounds of counselling will there be?

JoSAA will conduct a total of six rounds of counselling. Round 6 is scheduled to be held on October 17. Candidates must note that Round 5, scheduled to start on October 15 is the last round to opt for the seat withdrawal/exit option. There will be a particular round of counselling for NIT+system (the counselling for those NITs which admit students purely on the basis of JEE Main score/rank). The seat allocation for this round will be held on October 18-19. Additionally, PwD candidates have to follow a separate physical verification schedule, which is available on the JoSAA website josaa.nic.in.

How can one choose better?

Here are some quick tips:

1. Candidates are advised to fill in as many choices as possible. This increases the chances of getting selected.

2. Candidates need to research which institute admits students based on what range of ranks. For example, if a candidate has secured the rank 300, he/she needs to find out the institutes which admit students between the ranks of 100-500, 250-350 and so on. The candidate has to select accordingly. If she/he chooses institutes which admit only the top 50 ranks, for example, the chances of getting selected are low.

3. Candidates need to properly verify their options before locking the choices. They are advised to check the results of the mock allotment rounds before locking choices.

4. The students also need to take into account the number of seats available for the courses they desire to study in their selected colleges before locking choices.

5. Students are advised to consult their teachers, guides and mentors to help them to choose better.

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