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We have reached a point where Islamophobia is just a politics of blackmail used by Islamists and their supporters to shut down legitimate criticisms of Islam on the often bogus claim that it aids anti-Muslim bigots. Unlike anti-Semitism or anti-Black racism, Islamophobia has no deep historical or ideological basis in the West – let us not forget that the worst génocidaires of the previous century, Adolf Hitler, had much admiration for Islam. In fact, those countries, who now run the War on Terror, were the ones who supported the Taliban, created the al-Qaeda and are also backing Islamist groups against Syrian President Basshar al-Assad. The contemporary discourse of Islamophobia is a product from Western multicultural countries created by Muslim elites who use narratives of self-victimisation to capitalise on white guilt. Activists like Iranian communist and leftist philosophers like have spoken out against this politics of blackmail.

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